The 1970 Walt Disney classic, The Aristocats, followed three kittens and their mother across the Parisian countryside after being cat-napped from their home. Marie, the only daughter of the bunch, holds a pink heart in this sweet Jim Shore figurine.
Artist Jim Shore's collectibles tell stories through his unique detailed artistry and craftsmanship, helping gift-givers share a special bond and emotional connection with friend or family. His designs are inspired by the time honored motifs of folk art and quilting.
JIM SHORE - an award winning artist with unmistakable style that combines a diverse color palette with timeless design drawn from images of American and European folk-art form
TIMELESS- love the combination of beloved icons in themes of tradition, family and love of our country
INTRICATE DETAILS- featuring elements of patch work quilting, rosemaling and tole painting
HAND MADE - hand-painted and crafted from high-quality stone resin
SIZE: 3.5 in