Delight fans of Nickelodeon's animated hit television show "SpongeBob SquarePants" with this charming itty bittys plush version of Sandy Cheeks. The adorable squirrel lives quite comfortably under the sea in a tree dome and walks around Bikini Bottom wearing a white diving suit. Characterized on the show with a southern drawl and adventurous personality, Sandy Cheeks is a great friend to SpongeBob, despite her air-breathing and thrill-seeking tendencies. She'll make a fun addition to your SpongeBob SquarePants itty bittys collection.
- itty bittys SpongeBob SquarePants Sandy Cheeks plush character is crafted from soft fabric.
- Makes a great gift for SpongeBob SquarePants fans.
- To clean, wipe with damp cloth.
- Remove all tags and fasteners before giving to a child.
- 3'' W x 4'' H x 2.5'' D