The infamous Queen of Hearts from Disney’s Alice In Wonderland has inspired this Disney Showcase creation, with a girl dressed as the Queen herself. The Cheshire Cat can even be seen behind her!
Precious Moments founding artist Samuel J. Butcher’s artwork has always been inspired by faith, family, and friends. In 1978, the Original 21 Precious Moments figurines were released to worldwide acclaim and a new collecting and gift-giving tradition was born. Around the world, Precious Moments became known for its beautiful, hand-painted porcelain bisque figurines featuring children with captivating teardrop-shaped eyes. While Precious Moments has evolved with the times, we remain true to Mr. Butcher’s aspiration to make the word a kinder place by helping people share love.
EXCEPTIONAL QUALITY: Sculpted of fine bisque porcelain and meticulously hand paintedSIZE: 5.5 in